Luxuriant Nature by Michaël Cailloux

Luxuriant Nature by Michaël Cailloux

Luxuriant Nature by Michaël Cailloux First monograph by the artist. The first monograph devoted to the fascinating art of Michaël Cailloux Fascinated by insects, still lifes and Art Nouveau, the artist Michaël Cailloux exalts the territory of fauna and flora thanks to...
Anne Laval

Anne Laval

Anne Laval Recent artworksAboutCurriculum VitaeOverview artworks artwork Recent artworks Ghost map 1, 2023Burnt stainless steel gauze and sculpted steel woolSculpture for wall mountingLength 20/25 cm Lost World #1, 2020-2021Paraffin drawing on engraved Wenzhou paper,...
Valérie Belmokhtar

Valérie Belmokhtar

Valérie Belmokhtar Recent worksAboutCurriculum VitaeOverview artworks artwork Recent artworks The butterflies, 2020Etching on white cotton, free hand embroideryFormat 24 x 34,5 cm (framed 30 x 40 cm)Unique piece signed Winter Queen, 2020Drypoint engraving on linen,...
Véronique Pineau

Véronique Pineau

Véronique Pineau Recent artworksAbout her workCurriculum VitaeOverview artworks artwork Recent artworks Barnyard, 2020Assembled porcelain, unique pieceH 37 cm, diameter 27 cm Original, 2019Assembled porcelain, unique pieceH 52cm, base 23cm Cicadas, 2020Assembled...